Friday 25 July 2014


                                                    ABOUT MY LIFE.

                                                  Assalamualaikum w.b.t and selamat sejahtera.

                 Farah Nadrah binti Mohd Subakir is my name given by my parents. I was born on 29 March 1996 at Hospital Besar Teluk Intan. I’m the third out of five siblings. I belong to a married couple named Azlyna binti Dahalan and Mohd Subakir bin Sayuti. I live in Sungai Tiang Darat, under the district of Hilir Perak. I’m staying with my family.

                I was receiving early education at Pasti Al-Huda at the age of 5 years up to 6 years old. I started my primary education at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Tiang Darat from 7 years old until 12 years old. In 2008, I have setting for UPSR examination and I got 1A 2B 2C. Then, as for secondary school, I’d further my study at SMAR Maahad Al-Islah Sungai Lampam, Perak. The school has made me more confident in myself without being my family beside me.

                   I now pursue a diploma in Kolej Poly Tech Mara BANGI. I took a course in Diploma Business Management at KPTM BANGI. I took that course because my dreams is want to be entrepreneur like my dad. After the completion of my diploma, I want to continue studying in degree.

                      Before I end my story about me, I want to tell what had happened to me. When I was 10 years old, has been the occurrence of unexpected by me. One afternoon, my friend and I want to go to the circus, not far from my house to ride a bicycle. I have asked permission from my mom but my mom will not let me go to ride a bicycle. In fact, my mother asked me to go along, but I ignored her. So I went alone with my friends.

                   After the show was over, my friend and I went home. During the trip, my friend and I ride a bicycle while holding hands. With suddenly we fall. In that event, I was seriously injured. I have broken my hand and my friend did not injured. The saying goes ‘unfortunately’. That all from me.

By Farah Nadrah Binti Mohd Subakir

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